Horse, 8"x10" oil on Canvas
Dear Friends,
This month I began a "Farm Animals" series of paintings. I began with a "Piggy", then "Mr. Rooster", and just began a horse painting. All of these are small, 8" x 10" on canvas.
I also signed up to take a semester class from artist Michael Steirnagle at Palomar College. I'm really looking forward to taking his figurative painting class, as I thought I was not going to be able because of the class schedule I had at CSUSM.
Due to health reasons I am unable to continue my plans to attend CSUSM full-time to get a Visual of Arts degree. Sometimes you want something but life takes you a different direction. We don't always know why, but by now I do know it's because there are higher better plans for me...one good benefit I can already see is that I'll be able to spend time painting, as the full-time schedule of classes ahead at CSUM would have kept me so busy, that I would have hardly had anytime to paint.
I began reading this month a book, "Alla Prima" by Richard Schmid. I love his style of writing and looking forward to applying his tips after I complete my Farm Animals series and begin a series of landscape paintings. I hope I can incorporate some of his tips so I can paint more "painterly" as he does.
This is it for now, stay cool.
With love,
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