Cool Day, 8"x10" oil on canvas
Dear Friends,
What a month! A good month that is. At the beginning of the month I sent an intention to sell all of my small abstract painting that I had. When you paint as much as I do, one kind of runs out of space to put all the created art.
I was blessed with a new art collector that bought 19 of my small abstract paintings plus a small commission work. There were a few more sales, for a total of 31 sales this month. It's kind of fun to see what my next intention will be for next month ;)
Two of my paintings were juried into La Bodega Gallery One Day Exhibit, which will be this Sept 27, 2014. My painting LA bus was also juried into the Escondido Municipal Art Gallery Exhibit "Betty Woodaman". October 11, 2014 is the reception, between 5:30 pm and 8:00 pm. Hope to see some of you who are local there.
My work will also be at The Rifford Center in La Jolla until November 29, 2014. October 18, 2014 the Rifford Center will be having a special fundraiser, so lot's of tables with good stuff to look at, in addition to the artwork.
Something strange has been happening this month. I keep dropping things! It's almost comical to be painting and all of a sudden the brush is on the floor. It happens with both hands so I have broken a few items this month. I need to run some test, and I'm sure it's nothing serious but a strange feeling to have to adjust to the way I do things to make sure I don't drop anything. I will keep you updated once a few tests are done.
I hope all is well at your end, that you are enjoying looking at art, and taking time to appreciate all the beauty around you.
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