Giverny, 18"x20" Acrylic on canvas
Dear Friends,
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season. I spent it with family in Los Angeles and while I am happy the hectic part of the holidays are over, I already miss my two children.
Back to painting and I am working on some larger abstract pieces for a group show I am participating in March 2015, which will be at the Vista Library, here in CA.
No new year resolutions for me this time. I gave up on writing goals a few years back and new year resolutions felt like goals to me. Don't get me wrong, I do have many intentions on what I want for my life, but I'm not rushing into anything. I will continue to do what I love and flow with life.
I am not entering any shows for a while. I entered the 30 paintings in 30 days challenge again this year so that will keep me busy for this month. I am also going to focus on the pieces for March, and my featured show in La Jolla, CA in April. The dates seem far away but time does fly when you are having fun.
I will post some photos of the new work on my next post.
May the New Year find you well.
P. S. Sign up for my updates at Gladsart.com