Red Roof Cabin, 8"x10" oil on canvas
Hello Beautiful Art Friends,
I had a lot of fun at the art reception at the Escondido Municipal Art Gallery. I received my honorary award for Old Chimp and got to talk to the nice man that purchased my painting (Man with Dog 3) last month at the gallery. I always enjoy meeting my art collectors in person. I was happy to find out that the painting is hanging at a shop in Escondido. Next time I visit Escondido I'm going to make a stop at the "Bulldog" shop and take a photo of it.
I'm taking sometime off from painting. It's hard for me not to paint but my dog had surgery and he needed a few weeks to recover and make sure he won't hurt himself during his recovery. I'm taking this time to read, one of my other passions which had taken a back sit to painting. I feel like I have a baby at home with interrupted sleep at night. But we love our furry family members and we do the best we can to keep them healthy. This not painting time is giving me ideas I normally don't have time to dwell on...like taking a trip to Paris again next year.
As I mentioned in my newsletter, June to November will be devoted to realistic artwork, then January to June abstract. I am happy to report that my realistic artwork has been selling well. Usually it's the abstract that it's the most popular. I think when we love what we do, people sense it and want to be a part of it.
Above is the last small oil landscape I completed. Now I'm working on a painting of cottages by Oceanside, CA.
I hope you enjoy your summer and stay cool.