Dark Night, 40"x60" Mix Media on Canvas |
Dear Friends,
School is over now. I loved taking art classes and feel grateful to have been able to meet art professors, art students, and other people in the field of art. I got to create amazing art projects and will miss the art assignments. My first drawing 2 project done in pencil, Yosemite, was on exhibit at the Escondido Municipal Art Gallery last month.
I did my very first oil abstract painting this month. It's huge, the biggest size I've used this far. It's 48" x 60". I was not sure how the piece would look like when I started. I started using colors I liked, trying to implement some of the color theory concepts I learned but in the end I was not happy with it, so covered it all up and painted as I did before, from my own intuition, regardless if it conformed to any color theory concept or not, and I was happy with the result. This artwork is now available for sale at my website.
I attended Tom Tiedeman's annual BBQ last month. I took a few watercolor lessons from him years back but really couldn't get into that medium...what can I say...I'm in love with oils. It was nice to see him again, his lovely wife, Marty, and gather among other creative minds. I see artist like him with great success and smile, knowing that I will someday be there as an artist.
Art is so revealing. As an artist I pour all of me into my work and display it for all others to see and critique it. I am learning much about me as I paint. I say this because I also finished my acrylic "Dark Night" painting last month. I didn't realized how much anger I had during that time, but happy to see it express itself though art. I put that painting next to my "Bliss" painting and realized that in life, it's all one....the sad and happy, the up and down, just one side of the same, like a nickle that has heads and tails. Why do we insist on having a one sided nickle? I am learning to embrace both sides equally and with thanksgiving.
I hope all is well with you.
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