Lady in Red, 16"x20" oil on canvas
Dear Friends,
First week of the new year I picked up my painting "Lady in Red" from the art gallery. I was thrilled to hear great feedback from the art gallery staff. This was the annual Summation 2012 event where poets write poems about the artwork they like. I hear my artwork made it into the publication again this year...sweet :)
I spent sometime visiting my friend, Darren McPhearson's art gallery. His work and the work of other artists are in display here. Some beautiful pieces here.
I asked every gallery I visit, if they are open to answering, about art sales. They all tell me that the economy changed and so did their sales. Not as many as there were in the past. Makes me wonder if art galleries in other large cities are having the same experience. Don't know...have you seen any red dots on the art galleries you have visited recently? Usually art galleries put a red dot by artwork that has sold.
Good thing we artist make art because of our passion and love for it, it's like eating, something we need to do regardless of how much the food cost. On the other side, it would be great to sell more art :)
I completed two new pieces, Red Barn and Christmas Tree. Looking forward to exhibiting them in a gallery because in the end, art galleries help you share your love of art with the world around you.
May this new year bring you health, contentment, peace and love.
With Love,
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