Figs, 5"x7" oil on linen panel
Dear Art Friends,
Is it me or does every year just seems to go by faster than the year before? Specially the last quarter of the year.
I had a wonderful time in Northern California. So much beauty, nature seems to abound up North and it was good to see my son, who lives in San Jose, for a few days. Lot's of photographs of amazing beautiful places like Pfeiffer Beach with it's purple sand and beach scenes that will give me enough material to paint for a year!
Things got hectic when I got back but I managed to do a small series of fruit. When I found out I was borderline diabetic I stopped eating sugar, all with the exception of natural sugar found in fruit. The only sweetness in my food comes from fruits so I found it appropriately to paint fruit. Besides, wanted to try my 5"x7" linen on panels that I bought a year ago, and which by the way, I love and plan to do more of my paintings on this size. The artworks looks great framed too.
I am leaving again on a trip to Tallahassee Fl for the holidays and will be gone for two weeks. I will miss painting but happy to spend it with my daughter and Oliver, our dog who I miss so much. I am hoping to have plenty of time to sight see this time around and to take enough photographs to paint this charming little city I fell in love with. Talk about nature, it's surrounded by tall beautiful trees everywhere, lakes, and nature everywhere.
I wish you a happy holiday season and the best New Year yet!
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