Red Barn, 48"x36" oil on canvas
Dear Friends,
I'm so happy to announce that for the month of February, my work will be on exhibit at three galleries. There will be on piece, "Diana", at the Municipal Art Gallery. Three pieces at the Escondido Art Association, "Deer", "Mr. Rooster", and "Music and Dancing". Those will be on exhibit for one month. At 57 Degrees, down town San Diego, for two months I will have on exhibit "Red Barn", "The Southwest", "Lady in Red", and "Michael Hanlon". So very excited to be at this exhibit among other fellow artists.
Today I taught an art class to 5th graders. I volunteer at the local elementary school since 1998. I had so much fun teaching them about art, complementary colors, and Paul Klee. Kids have such a thirst for art and happy to be able to do my share my love for art with them. I wish more people donated art supplies so we could reach more children. Volunteers are available but without the supplies even with our most creative resources, it's tough to do. The non-profit organization I founded to raise funds for art supplies is Boldly Creating Life Foundation. If it's in your heart to promote the arts to children, please stop at the website http://www.bclf.org and make a donation. It will be greatly appreciated by me, the children, teachers, and families. Of course, your donation is tax deductible.
I hope to see you at one of the art reception events. Please do stop by and greet me, I would love to meet you, or see you again if you are a fan.
With love,
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