Our Cat Chance
Dear Friends,
Chance, our cat, passed away today, April 6, 2013. She was with us for a bit over 10 years as well. She walked into our home one thanksgiving morning in 2003, while we were cooking bacon and we had to open the door to let the smoke out. We gave her some bacon and she never left. Even when we took her outside that night, the following day she was still there by our door.
We posted flyers and no one claimed her. We took her to the vet and we found out she had Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and the vet said she should be kept indoors. She was about seven years old per vet. She was not like other cats I had in the past. She was her own self and if you petted her for more then a few strokes she would bite you, or sometimes you would just be passing by and she would scratch you. People who visited knew this and tended to stay away from her.
A year after she lived with us, we found out that she belonged to our neighbors next door that had recently moved back then into our neighborhood. The owner came over one day and recognized her, but she didn't want her back as she confessed she never really liked her. She was shocked that Chance was living under the same roof with a dog (Buddy). Yeah, Chance gave our dogs a hard time too. They too stayed away from her.
Two years ago my son also went away to college (my daughter had left in Fall of 2009). Chance and I developed a different relationship. Chance seemed to wait to demand petting from me when I was the most tired or when I was concentrating on a painting. If I ignored her, as sometimes I did, she would do her business in the area I painted. At first I thought it was strange, since cats usually go to their litter box and don't have accidents like that, but I read that cats behave like that when they are angry at you. Well, she made me angry too by her actions, but with time, I learned to pet her even when I didn't feel like it.
One time while my daughter was visiting from college I told her that Chance was sent by God to remind me how to love. After all, it was so easy to love Buddy, he loved you unconditionally, behaved well, and always happy and content with you. But it was much harder to love someone who would bite you, scratch you and pooped on your art supplies for no reason. Someone who demanded love at the most inconvenient times. But it happened. Over the last two years we developed a bond. I could now pet her for a long time, carry her (as Chance hated her tummy touched), trim her hair and even give her a bath without a scratch! And while it had become a habit to complaint about her grouchyness, deep inside I somehow saw myself in her, and loved her.
It all happened rather quickly. Thursday night she awoke me at 3 am. She was in the living room rolling from side to side trying to get up. I picked her up and it quickly became clear that she was paralyzed from her left side. I placed her on the couch and I thought she was seeing something I couldn't see by the way she was moving her eyes, but I soon realized that she was not able to see. I had to help her when she needed to use the litter box and hand fed her. I wanted to make her feel better by giving her her favorite food (tuna fish) but it was apparent that her sense of smell was gone too. Although she started to walk again slowly within a day of her stroke, her heart started to give out, pumping really fast and making it hard for her to breath. The vet said it was due to the FIV decease she had, which tends to cause clots, and things would only get worse.
I was with her till the end. She didn't do any of the things the vet said cats tend to do when they go. She was at peace, even her heart slowed down a bit when she heard my daughter 's voice on the phone, talking to her.
The vet said I was her angel because cats don't live as long as Chance did with FIV and with the quality of life she had up to the last two days of her life. The vet didn't know that Chance was my best teacher yet. Wherever Chance is now, she is only taking a break from teaching humans how to love. I'm sure we will meet again.
With Love,
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