Saturday, December 1, 2012
Dec. 8, 2012 - Summation 2012 Art Reception
Dec. 8, 2012 - Summation 2012 Art Reception at the Escondido Municipal Art Gallery. Gladys will be at the art reception. Her artwork "Lady in Red" will be on display until January 4, 2012.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Painting Daily, Oh Yeah
Dear Friends,
It's hard to believe that in three weeks my Figure Painting class will be over. I learned much from the critics, and a few more techniques that I can add to my paintings.
For the final painting I was assigned to paint in a style that is the opposite of my own. To choose an artist and copy their work but replacing the main figure with my own self. In my case, it would be to learn the style of Degas or Van Gogh. I chose Van Gogh and what a fun exploration it has been, to see how he created short colorful strokes to create movement and depth.
Currently at the Escondido Municipal Art Gallery you can see my painting "eMotion" on display until the first week of next December. I was happy to receive wonderful feedback from people who stopped by to see it during my short visit at the reception. It felt great to know that others were moved by it.
Back to the easel, much to work on for my final painting.
May you have a wonderful holiday season.
Much love,
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Thursday, November 1, 2012
Nov. 10, 2012 - ArtRiot Reception
Nov. 10, 2012 - ArtRiot Reception at the Escondido Municipal Art Gallery. Gladys will be at the reception with her artwork titled "Abstract 9". Reception starts at 5:30 pm. Stop by and say hello.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
Life Brings Changes
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Boxer, 16"x20" oil on canvas |
Dear Friends,
I am enjoying taking Figure Painting classes from Michael Steirnagle. At first I was not sure how well my art would be received because I tend to paint a bit different, not "painterly" at all, but after 6 paintings completed for this class I came to like my own style and realized that it's unique already. Here is a sample of one of the paintings I did for class from a marble statue.
Michael said that I am a graphic painter on one of his critics, and not sure if I know any other graphic painters work but I am learning much at this class and happy that I don't have to paint "painterly" but I can do me. We had two models in the the last two classes, which is new for me. Although I had a live nude model at a class I took last month with artist Darrel McPhearson, it was a different as we did sketches instead of painting.
I began a few abstracts, which are always a breath of fresh air after working on paintings for the Figure Painting class. I want to do a series of painting from my trip to Laguna Beach and Torrey Pines this summer as well, so stay tune for those.
I celebrate my birthday in October and it always brings big changes in some area of my life. Looking forward to something new and different. It is also the month for Halloween...gotta love how creative people can be with their customs.
Have fun and until next time...
Sunday, August 19, 2012
My Creative Space

Horse, 8"x10" oil on Canvas
Dear Friends,
This month I began a "Farm Animals" series of paintings. I began with a "Piggy", then "Mr. Rooster", and just began a horse painting. All of these are small, 8" x 10" on canvas.
I also signed up to take a semester class from artist Michael Steirnagle at Palomar College. I'm really looking forward to taking his figurative painting class, as I thought I was not going to be able because of the class schedule I had at CSUSM.
Due to health reasons I am unable to continue my plans to attend CSUSM full-time to get a Visual of Arts degree. Sometimes you want something but life takes you a different direction. We don't always know why, but by now I do know it's because there are higher better plans for good benefit I can already see is that I'll be able to spend time painting, as the full-time schedule of classes ahead at CSUM would have kept me so busy, that I would have hardly had anytime to paint.
I began reading this month a book, "Alla Prima" by Richard Schmid. I love his style of writing and looking forward to applying his tips after I complete my Farm Animals series and begin a series of landscape paintings. I hope I can incorporate some of his tips so I can paint more "painterly" as he does.
This is it for now, stay cool.
With love,
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Saturday, July 7, 2012
Wineries and Cafes
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Francavilla, watercolor on paper |
Dear Friends,
This month I am exhibiting several pieces of artwork at Filters Coffee Shop in Hillcrest, CA. I have 10 pieces on display until August 15, 2012. Stop by for a mini show of my work :)
I attended the art show at the 57 Street winery this month. It was nice to see such variety of artwork on display. The winery has a nice feel to it, so I'm hoping to submit some of my work for exhibit here in the next few months. I was happy to see people actually buying art and appreciating the artwork.
This month my artwork "Museum" will be on exhibit at the Escondido Municipal Art Gallery until August 3, 2012.
I am looking forward to the art reception as it follows the poetry reception, where the publication publishing my artwork and the Mary Lenore Quigley's poem will be available.
Until next time...
With Love,
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Monday, July 2, 2012
July 14, 2012 SUMMATION IV: The Merging of Art and Poetry
July 14, 2012 SUMMATION IV: The Merging of Art and Poetry - Gladys will be at the Poets Inc. receptions at the Escondido Municipal Art Gallery where Poet Mary L.Quigley wrote a poem "Life's Portals" based on Gladys Jimenez' artwork "Collage". The poem and the artwork was published in the publication "Summation IV".
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
July 1, 2012 Artist Reception in Glendale, CA
July 1, 2012 Artist Reception in Glendale, CA - Gladys will be at the Glendale Gas Station Art Reception. Gladys contributed to the collaboration work of 60 artist with her panel "Liberty".
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Crazy Art Scene in L. A.
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Art, color pencils on illustration board |
Dear Friends,
I hope you are enjoying your summer. This summer I had the opportunity to exhibit my artwork in Los Angeles at the Chocolate & Art Show. It has been a long time since I have shown my art in an L. A. gallery. I forgot how different and fun Los Angeles art receptions could be. There were about 700 people attending the show and the art was a wide range of subjects and mediums.
While in Los Angeles I attended the first gallery I showed my artwork back in 1985, at Barnesdall Park. I remember the excitement of having my first work of art on display. I was tempted to participate in their next art show.
I received the news that my artwork "Collage" was chosen by Poet Mary L. Quigley for her poem "Life's Portals" and it will be published along with her poem in the publication "Summation IV". Very exciting for me :)
Until the next blog entry...
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Wednesday, June 6, 2012
June 27, 2012 - August 15, 2012 Filters Coffee Shop
Monday, June 4, 2012
June 22, 2012 Chocolate & Art Show
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Doughnuts, 16"x20" |
June 22, 2012 Chocolate & Art Show Art Reception - Gladys will be at the KGB Studios in Los Angeles for one day only. Gladys will exhibit three pieces of artwork.
Friday, June 1, 2012
School is Over for Now
Dear Friends,
I did my very first oil abstract painting this month. It's huge, the biggest size I've used this far. It's 48" x 60". I was not sure how the piece would look like when I started. I started using colors I liked, trying to implement some of the color theory concepts I learned but in the end I was not happy with it, so covered it all up and painted as I did before, from my own intuition, regardless if it conformed to any color theory concept or not, and I was happy with the result. This artwork is now available for sale at my website.
I attended Tom Tiedeman's annual BBQ last month. I took a few watercolor lessons from him years back but really couldn't get into that medium...what can I say...I'm in love with oils. It was nice to see him again, his lovely wife, Marty, and gather among other creative minds. I see artist like him with great success and smile, knowing that I will someday be there as an artist.
Art is so revealing. As an artist I pour all of me into my work and display it for all others to see and critique it. I am learning much about me as I paint. I say this because I also finished my acrylic "Dark Night" painting last month. I didn't realized how much anger I had during that time, but happy to see it express itself though art. I put that painting next to my "Bliss" painting and realized that in life, it's all one....the sad and happy, the up and down, just one side of the same, like a nickle that has heads and tails. Why do we insist on having a one sided nickle? I am learning to embrace both sides equally and with thanksgiving.
I hope all is well with you.
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Saturday, May 12, 2012
My Heart Aches

Our Buddy
Dear Friends,
On May 10, 2012 my beloved Buddy passed away. I cannot express how deeply sad I am. I had the honor to be with him during his last week, taking care of him, feeding him, carrying him outside when his legs could no longer hold him. I will never forget his eyes, and how loving he was always to me. He is greatly missed, yet I know he is somewhere where he is free, and what a blessing it was for me to have been able to have him in my life.
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Friday, May 4, 2012
May 12, 2012 Art Reception
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Gladys Jimenez with graphite drawing "Yosemite" |
May 12, 2012 Opening Art Reception - Gladys will be at the Escondido Municipal Art Gallery. Her graphite drawing "Yosemite" will be on display until June 1, 2012.
May 12, 2012 Opening Reception for Boehm Gallery
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Orfela Vineyard, ink drawing |
Gladys will be at the Boehm Gallery Art Reception on April 27, 2012 at 3:00 pm. Her ink drawing "Orfila Vineyard" will be on display until May 12, 2012.
The Boehm Gallery is located at Palomar College,1140 W Mission Rd, San Marcos, CA 92069, for more information you may call (760) 744-1150.
boehm gallery,
gladys jimenez,
ink drawing,
ofelia vineyard,
palomar college,
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Yes, I do Pet Portraits Too
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Bonnie, 12"x12" oil on canvas |
Hello Friends,
Yesterday I met a friend I had not seen in 6 months. Her dog had just passed away a few days earlier. Her dog, Bonnie, was in too much pain and the vet told her it was time to let her go.
She called me as she recalled I had taken some photos of Bonnie a while back because I felt the desire to paint Bonnie, and wanted to know if she could have copies of the photographs.
I emailed her the photos and told her I had completed the painting of Bonnie months ago and it was hers. She immediately came over to pick up the painting. Losing a pet is like losing a family member whom you were very close to. She told me letting her go was the hardest thing she had to do.
When I showed her the painting she started crying. She said I had captured Bonnie's spirit and she would hang the painting in her living room, as an honor to Bonnie.
She then told me how people told her how lucky Bonnie was to have had her as her owner as she took great care of her but people didn't understand that it was her, who was lucky to have had Bonnie in her life. That people had no idea how much love and joy Bonnie gave her.
It's so true! Our pets give us unconditional love no matter what, even when we neglect playing with them or are too busy to really connect with them. I have painted our three pets and have the paintings in our living room.
I wanted to capture their spirit so I could always remember them, and feel their love, if some day down the road they too depart from my life.
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oil paintings,
pet portraits
Monday, March 5, 2012
My Favorite Place in California

Yosemite, Graphite on illustration board.
Hi Friends,
This month I had seven more people join the Facebook Fanpage for Glad's art. I'm always happy to see friends join me on this art adventure.
I received my first drawing back from drawing 2 class with an "A" and the professor said it was "impeccable"! It sure made me feel good. It is now on my portfolio. It's a drawing of my favorite place on Earth...Yosemite! If you haven't been to Yosemite I must urge you to go. It's just such a beautfiul place to visit in any season.
I did my very first color pencil drawing. Part of the drawing was meant to have a crackle finish which I wanted to draw with pencil but my professor suggested I use an exacto knife to give it that effect. I wasn't sure about following his suggestions, and in the end I didn't like the effect. I felt I had damaged the paper instead but he was fine with it. Next time I think I'll follow my instincts instead. Overall, I like the drawing though and will be putting it up on the website as soon as I take a photograph of the final drawing.
Looking back at photographs and paintings I have done in the past, I really have enjoyed taking photos of older people and painting them with oils. I've been wondering about my own style of painting and my signature, and I think for a while I may spend sometime creating this type of artwork, since it speaks to me. I would love to hear your feedback on this.
Have a wonderful Spring break.
Hi Friends,
This month I had seven more people join the Facebook Fanpage for Glad's art. I'm always happy to see friends join me on this art adventure.
I received my first drawing back from drawing 2 class with an "A" and the professor said it was "impeccable"! It sure made me feel good. It is now on my portfolio. It's a drawing of my favorite place on Earth...Yosemite! If you haven't been to Yosemite I must urge you to go. It's just such a beautfiul place to visit in any season.
I did my very first color pencil drawing. Part of the drawing was meant to have a crackle finish which I wanted to draw with pencil but my professor suggested I use an exacto knife to give it that effect. I wasn't sure about following his suggestions, and in the end I didn't like the effect. I felt I had damaged the paper instead but he was fine with it. Next time I think I'll follow my instincts instead. Overall, I like the drawing though and will be putting it up on the website as soon as I take a photograph of the final drawing.
Looking back at photographs and paintings I have done in the past, I really have enjoyed taking photos of older people and painting them with oils. I've been wondering about my own style of painting and my signature, and I think for a while I may spend sometime creating this type of artwork, since it speaks to me. I would love to hear your feedback on this.
Have a wonderful Spring break.
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Sunday, February 5, 2012
Back to School
Hi Friends,
This year I went back to school. Being a self-taught artist, I always wanted to have all those wonderful art classes I didn't take in college, so this year I went back. I am loving every single art class I have.
I must admit that learning the fundamentals is hard work. I've never worked so hard on doing black and white oil paintings as I am right now with Painting 1. But it's so much fun too.
I love my Color and Theory class as well. It amazes me that nothing has color, that an object is simply absorbing from the spectrum a particular hue, thus the lighting can change the color of an object.
I've also been working on graphite drawings for my Drawing 2 class. I forgot how rewarding it is to create just using a pencil!
This month my artwork "Chance" will be on exhibit at the Escondido Municipal Art Gallery. I hope to meet some of you during the Artist Reception.
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color theory,
gladys jimenez,
self-taught artist
Saturday, February 4, 2012
February 11, 2012 Opening Reception Members Only
Chance, 24"x24" oil on canvas |
February 11, 2012 Art Reception - Gladys will be at the Escondido Municipal Art Gallery for the Members Artist Reception. Her painting "Chance" will be on display until the end of the month.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Exhibiting Again

Goddess Collage, Mix media 12" x 12" on canvas
Hello Friends,
In December my artwork "Collage" was on exhibit at the Escondido Municipal Art Gallery. It was the first time I exhibited my work at this gallery. Previously I had done so at the Escondido Art Association. I was at the Artist reception and it is always nice to meet other artist, and see their creations.
In January I took sometime off and went to Monterey, CA. I had a wonderful week there. I went to the next town, Carmel, which is full of beautiful art galleries. I visited every single one and saw much beauty. Unfortunately it seems like some of them are going out of business due to the economy, which was surprising to see.
I also went to Pacific Grove, CA, to their Art Association there and met a wonderful photographer, by the name of Jean Brenner. Her photography exhibit on "The Faces of Islam" is wonderful to see. I was lucky that she was there and that she gracefully took time to explain some of the history behind her photos.
I'm looking forward to a year of art :)
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